Store > Store Settings tab > Report Printing group
Select Maintenance > Business > Store to access the Store function. The Store function enables you to configure default system settings for your store. The system automatically creates a store record during the system installation/import process and the function separates options in this record into groups, based on the area of the Aloha POS system affected by your selections. Select the Report Printing group located at the bottom of the screen.
Report Printing group
Use the Report Printing group to define the requirements for certain reports, such as the Employee Checkout, Drawer Checkout, Flash, and Interval reports.
Group Bar: Transaction Chits
Number of copies of petty cash chits — Denotes the number of chit copies to print for each petty cash in/out transaction. Type a number greater than zero.
Print void chits at remote printer — Prints voided chits to a remote printer only.
Print void chit when an item is voided — Prints a void chit when you void an item.
Create check dump files in training mode — Allows customized files, while in training mode, to manipulate the check information based on requirements of the establishment.
Group Bar: Checkout Reports
Print only custom employee checkout — Prints only the custom checkout when an employee performs a checkout. Related Options: Selecting this option disables all options under the ‘Checkout Reports > Employee Checkout’ group bar.
Reference: Refer to the Custom Checkout Feature Focus Guide - HKS313 for more information on configuring a custom checkout.
Print only custom drawer checkout — Replaces the standard drawer checkout report with a comprehensive report that you customize using Checkout.cfg. Related Options: Selecting this option disables all options under the ‘Checkout Reports > Drawer Checkout’ group bar.
Group Bar: Checkout Reports id="general-checkout"> General Checkout
Print zero-amount lines — Prints all lines on the checkout report, even though some amount values may be zero. If cleared, lines with zero values do not print.
Print additional cash calculation section — Prints an alternate cash calculation on the checkout. The normal cash calculation adds all sales and subtracts all non-cash payments to arrive at the cash amount. An extra section prints showing cash sales less charge tips to arrive at a cash owed figure.
Change due detail for non-cash tenders — Prints, by tender, the total amount of change received from a non cash tender (gift certificates, travelers checks, etc.). If a guest check has multiple non cash tenders, the change due is allocated to the first non cash tender found on the check.
Print deposit calculation section (TS only) — Includes the balance of all deposits.
Print non-cash tenders detail — Prints a separate listing for non-cash tenders.
Print guest count (TS only) — Prints the number of guests on guest checks on the checkout report.
Print check count — Prints the number of checks closed during a shift.
Print number of split checks — Prints the number of splits on the check when you split a check between customers.
Print true comps applied section (TS only) — Prints the name of the employee who applied a comp in the Comp section. This ensures the correct employee receives the credit. For example, if one employee applies a comp, but another closes the check, the employee who opened the check receives the sales information.
Print true promos applied section (TS only) — Prints the name of the employee who applied a promo in the Promo section. This ensures the employee gets credit. For example, if one employee applies a promo, but another closes the check, the employee who opened the check receives the sales information.
Print sales and tip distribution disclaimer on employee checkout (TS only) — Designates the guest check message to print on the employee checkout report as a disclaimer regarding possible changes to sales and tip distribution amounts. Documented Version: v14.1.
Group Bar: Checkout Reports id="employee-checkout"> Employee Checkout
You must clear ‘Print only custom employee checkout’ to enable the options under this group bar.
Exclude voids from the gross sales on the employee checkouts — Does not include voids in the gross sales total that prints on the employee checkout.
Separate tips and auto-gratuity in tip tracking section (TS only) — Splits the non-cash tips from the auto gratuity in the Tip Tracking section of the checkout report. Use this option in environments where tips are paid each night, but auto gratuities are paid on the employee paycheck.
Print detailed list of all checks — Prints a separate listing for tendered checks. This option is helpful for troubleshooting a specific problem.
Sort by revenue center — Sorts guest checks by the revenue center in which they originated. Revenue center information lists with the check detail information. Required Options: You must select ‘Print detailed list of all checks’ to enable this option.
Include tax in performance measures — Includes taxes in the totals printed for the Performance Measures report.
Print number of cleared items (QS only) — Prints the number of items you removed (cleared) from a guest check before sending them to the kitchen on the Drawer Checkout report. Related Options: 1) When you select ‘Totals only’ or ‘List all’ as the ‘Drawer checkout values’ option, the Drawer Checkout report prints the number and total sales value of cleared item information. 2) When you select ‘List all with values’ for the ‘Drawer checkout values’ option, the Drawer Checkout report prints the number and total sales value of cleared item information only if there was activity. If there was no activity, cleared item information does not print.
Group Bar: Checkout Reports id="drawer-checkout"> Drawer Checkout
You must clear ‘Print only custom drawer checkout’ to enable the options under this group bar.
Drawer checkout values — Separates the cashier activity into distinct transaction types. You specify whether you want the report to list only summary totals, or more detailed information for these transaction types.
Totals only — Lists summarized totals for each transaction type. For example, if you select this option, the Sales transaction type appears as a combined total for all sales, rather than a separate total for each sales category (e.g., food, beverage, and so on).
List all — Lists detailed totals for each transaction type, broken out by transaction IDs. For example, if you select this option, the Sales transaction type appears as a separate total for each sales transaction ID, or category (e.g., food, beverage, and so on). This option lists all transaction IDs for each transaction type, If no activity occurred for a given transaction ID, the report still shows a line item for the transaction ID, with a zero next to the transaction ID.
List all with values — Lists detailed totals for each transaction type, broken out by transaction IDs. For example, if you select this option, the Sales transaction type appears as a separate total for each sales transaction ID, or category (e.g., food, beverage, and so on). If no activity occurred for a given transaction ID, the report does not show a line item for the transaction ID.
Print Sales Section — Prints the Sales section at the bottom of the Drawer Checkout report. The Sales section contains sales transactions for checks closed to this cash drawer, and provides you with information you can use for comparison balancing.
Print detailed list of all checks — Prints a separate listing for tendered checks. This helps with troubleshooting a specific problem.
Sort by revenue center — Sorts guest checks by the revenue center in which they originated. Revenue center information appears with the check detail information. Required Options: You must select ‘Print detailed list of all checks’ to enable this option.
Print voided items (QS only) — Includes the number and total sales value of items you voided from a guest check after they are ordered on the Drawer Checkout report. Related Options: 1) When you select ‘Totals only’ for the ‘Drawer checkout values’ option, the report prints the number and total sales value of voided item information only. 2) When you select ‘List all’ for the ‘Drawer checkout values’ option, the report prints the number and total sales value of voided information and for each defined void reason, regardless whether activity occurred. 3) When you select ‘List all with values’ for the ‘Drawer checkout values’ option, the report prints the number and total sales value of voided information only for each defined void reason that showed activity.
Print cleared items (QS only) — Includes the total sales value of the items you removed (cleared) from a guest check before sending them to the kitchen on the Drawer Checkout report. A second line prints with the percentage of cleared items against net sales, based on the following calculation: total of cleared item sales / net sales x 100. Related Options: 1) When you select ‘Totals only’ or ‘List all’ for the ‘Drawer checkout values’ option, the report prints the number and total sales value of cleared item information. 2) When you select ‘List all with values’ for the ‘Drawer checkout values’ option, the report prints the number and total sales value of cleared item information only if there was activity. If there was no activity, cleared item information does not print.
Show drawer checkouts payments — Specifies the method used to report at which drawer a payment appears. This is useful in a multiple drawer environment. Select from one of the following options.
Check Closed — Reports payments at the drawer from which you closed the check.
Payment Adjusted — Reports payments at the drawer from which you last adjusted a payment.
Group Bar: Report settings
POS Flash report time interval in minutes — Determines the number of minutes, per interval, to use for displaying the FOH flash report. Valid options include 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, and 60 minute intervals.
Enable print option for POS Flash report — Enables you to print the Flash report from the FOH terminal and displays the Print button on the FOH Entire Day Summary page. If this option is cleared, you can only view the FOH Flash report.
Automatic 15 minute interval report (TS only) — Prints the Flash report automatically, every 15 minutes. You can disable this automated report, or specify where you want the report to print.
Disable report — Disables the 15-minute interval report. The Interval report prints every 15 minutes on a FOH printer, if the sales data has changed within the 15-minute period. Typically, this is used in cafeteria environments that use Table Service.
Send to one printer — Identifies the printer to which the Interval report prints. Required Options: If you select this option, specify the exact printer group in ‘Interval report printer.’
Send to a printer group — Prints the Interval report to all printers in the selected group. Required Options: If you select this option, specify the exact printer group in ‘Interval report printer group.’
Interval report printer (TS only) — Specifies the exact printer to which the interval reports print. Required Options: You must select ‘Send to one printer’ from the ‘Automatic 15 minute interval report’ drop-down list to enable this option.
Interval report printer group (TS only) — Specifies the exact printer to which the interval reports print. Required Options: You must select ‘Send to a printer group’ from the ‘Automatic 15 minute interval report’ drop-down list to enable this option.
Limit the FOH Sales, PMIX, and Flash reports to revenue center (TS only) — Generates report data for the FOH Sales, PMix, and Flash reports, based on the revenue center in which the terminal resides. When cleared, the report prints data based on the entire store. Documented Version: v12.3.
Sort POS Sales by Revenue Center report by day part (TS only) — Enables the Revenue Center Sales report to sort by day part. If you select multiple revenue centers to print, each sorts by day part, and a total prints at the bottom. If one revenue center is selected, no total prints. To run a sales report sorted by day part across all revenue centers, you select the Restaurant Sales button on the FOH Reports screen, then the Print button, and select all day parts when prompted with the FOH Select Day Parts screen.
Do not print wages on POS labor report — Does not print wages on the FOH Labor report.
Display custom reports on the FOH — Allows you to view custom FOH reports on screen first and print the report only when desired instead of automatically sending them to the printer. This replaces the need to enable Print Intercept functionality to control when to print a custom FOH report.
Break alert threshold hour(s) — Defines the threshold in which employees can work continuously without a break before appearing above the Threshold line on the FOH Break Alert report. Enter a time between 0 and 24 hours (in decimal format). For example, type 4.25 to enter at total of 4 hours and 15 minutes. 0 hours indicates no threshold and all clocked in employees appear on the FOH Break report. POS Version: Obsolete as of v6.4.