Store > Store Settings tab > Campus Card group
Select Maintenance > Business > Store to access the Store function. The Store function enables you to configure default system settings for your store. The system automatically creates a store record during the system installation/import process and the function separates options in this record into groups, based on the area of the Aloha POS system affected by your selections. Select the Campus Card group located at the bottom of the screen.
Campus Card group
The options in this group control processing for a specific type of prepaid card. The system provides default values for some of the options, and although you do not have to create or change each one, we recommend you review each selection to ensure it meets the needs of the store.
Group Bar: Campus Card settings
Allow offline processing — Allows automatic approval of transactions with offline authorizations, when the terminal cannot connect to the host for an electronic response.
Maximum amount while processing offline — Specifies the maximum amount the system can automatically approve while the terminal is offline. Required Options: You must select ‘Allow offline processing’ to enable this option.
Suppress offline processing indicators — Suppresses the alert that appears indicating the system is operating offline. Required Options: You must select ‘Allow offline processing’ to enable this option.
Group Bar: Printing properties
Print campus card when check is closed instead of at time of sale — Waits until the end of the sale after processing the payment to print the campus card instead of printing it when you add the campus card to the guest check.
Print sold and void details for campus cards on server checkout — Includes a detailed list of campus cards sold and voided on the checkout report.
Card number masking method — Determines the portion of the campus card number to print on the voucher. All other numbers are masked and do not print for the guest. Select from ‘Always show full number,’ ‘Show last 4 digits except on first voucher,’ and ‘Show last 4 digits on all vouchers.’
Group Bar: Printing properties id="voucher"> Voucher
Print guest check message — Prints additional text on each voucher.
Print large text — Prints the voucher text in large fonts.
Print tip line — Includes a line at the bottom of the voucher so the guest can add gratuity.
Number of copies — Denotes the number of vouchers to print for each redemption. The number you select determines the number of corresponding voucher text boxes that appear. When you indicate the number of copies to print, up to four additional options appear, to define the text that prints on each voucher.
Text to print on voucher 1 — Holds the text to print on each gift card voucher in separate ‘Voucher’ options. Common examples are ‘Customer Copy’ and ‘Restaurant Copy.’ Required Options: You must select a number greater than 0 in ‘Number of copies’ to enable this option.
Text to print on voucher 2 — Holds the text to print on each gift card voucher in separate ‘Voucher’ options. Common examples are ‘Customer Copy’ and ‘Restaurant Copy.’ Required Options: You must select a number greater than 1 in ‘Number of copies’ to enable this option.
Text to print on voucher 3 — Holds the text to print on each gift card voucher in separate ‘Voucher’ options. Common examples are ‘Customer Copy’ and ‘Restaurant Copy.’ Required Options: You must select a number greater than 2 in ‘Number of copies’ to enable this option.
Text to print on voucher 4 — Holds the text to print on each gift card voucher in separate ‘Voucher’ options. Common examples are ‘Customer Copy’ and ‘Restaurant Copy.’ Required Options: You must select a number greater than 3 from ‘Number of copies’ to enable this option.
Group Bar: Restrictions
Restrict multiple redemptions of the same campus card on a single check — Prevents redeeming the same campus card more than once on the same check. Select this option if the back-end system of the site cannot process multiple redemptions using the same campus card on the same guest check.
Restrict multiple add values of the same campus card on a single check — Prevents you from using the same campus card for more than one add value transaction on the same check. Select this option if the back-end system of the site cannot process multiple add values for the same campus card on the same guest check.